Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 8:12-20.
Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
So the Pharisees said to him, "You testify on your own behalf, so your testimony cannot be verified."
Jesus answered and said to them, "Even if I do testify on my own behalf, my testimony can be verified, because I know where I came from and where I am going. But you do not know where I come from or where I am going.
You judge by appearances, but I do not judge anyone.
And even if I should judge, my judgment is valid, because I am not alone, but it is I and the Father who sent me.
Even in your law it is written that the testimony of two men can be verified.
I testify on my behalf and so does the Father who sent me."
So they said to him, "Where is your father?" Jesus answered, "You know neither me nor my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also."
He spoke these words while teaching in the treasury in the temple area. But no one arrested him, because his hour had not yet come.
Commentary of the day : Saint Augustine
The light of the world
Monday of the Fifth week of Lent : Jn 8,12-20
Saint Augustine (354-430), Bishop of Hippo (North Africa) and Doctor of the Church
Sermons on St John's Gospel, no. 34
The light of the world
It would seem to me that the Lord's words: «I am the light of the world» are clear enough for those with eyes that enable them to have a share in that light. But those who only have bodily eyes are astonished to hear it said by our Lord Jesus Christ: «I am the light of the world.» There may even be those who say: «Would Christ be the sun that determines the day by its rising and setting?»... No, Christ is not that. The Lord is not the created sun but him by whom the sun was created. For «all things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be» (Jn 1,3). Therefore he is the light who created the light we see. Let us love this light, understand it, desire it, that led by it we may in due course attain it and may live in it so as never to die...So you see, my brethren, you see, if you have eyes that see spiritual things, what kind of light this is of which the Lord says: «Whoever follows me does not walk in darkness.» Follow that sun and let us see whether or not you walk in darkness. Behold how he arises and comes towards you. Following his course he makes his way westwards; but you on your part, must walk towards the rising sun, the Christ.
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